Water Themed Park Day
These are some of the pictures from MHEN’s fantastic Water-Themed Park Day, held in March, 2009. As the pictures reveal, the kids had such a great time with the water bombs. On the day, they played a variety of activities which were all based upon water. The kids really took to the games and they truly found delight in the games. If you would like to plan a fun water-themed day, you are most welcome to use the download link, located at the bottom of the page, to give you an idea of water games that have been tried, tested, and most of all, enjoyed!
The first Game We Played was Called - Cold Potato
Have players stand or sit in a circle outside. A water balloon is passed from player to player. However, the balloon is not passed around the circle as in traditional "hot potato". It is thrown across the circle from player to player. If a players fails to catch the balloon, or it breaks when he or she attempts to catch it, that player is out.If a players intentionally throw the balloon hard to make it explode in another's hands, he or she is called "out". Older kids can spread farther apart if necessary. The game proceeds until there is one dry person left.
The next Game we Played was Called - Dribble, Dribble, Drench!
This game is just like "Duck ,Duck, Goose ", except that as "IT" walks around the circle with a cup or pitcher of water. When they say dribble to each player they dribble a few drops of water on their head. BUT...you know this is coming don't you?When they say "Drench" that player gets the rest of the water on their head or back. Then the wet player chases "IT" and tries to tag her before she gets to the wet players place. Got that?...this is really fun with kids aged seven or older on a very hot summer day. Younger children can play if they are not sensitive about being drenched.
Here is a small list of some of the other games you can play if you would like to organise a Water Based Theme Day like this insha'Allah
Crash Course - Set up an obstacle course using lawn chairs. Fill four buckets to the top with water. Put two full buckets at each end of the course. Divide a group of kids into two teams. At the word "go," the first racer on each team picks up a bucket and runs to the end of the course, trying not to spill the water or bump into the other runner. Then the runners each grab a second bucket and run back to the starting point. The next runner on each team grabs the two buckets and runs the course. The team with the most water left in the buckets wins.
Bubble Pie - Line up to play bubble pie. This wet and wacky relay is made for soapy fun in the summer sun.
Water Balloon Toss - Form two lines of paired players, facing each other. Have each pair toss a water balloon back and forth, taking a step backwards after every two tosses. The further back you step, the further the toss and the more likely the water balloon will burst. The last pair to have their water balloon intact wins.
*Hula Hoop Water Balloon Toss - One person holds a hula hoop to his side and the other person tries to toss a water balloon through the hoop.
Water Balloon Volley - You'll need a bucket full of water balloons for this game. Divide kids into two teams and pair them up. Each pair gets a beach towel and each child holds two corners of the towel. One side begins by placing a water balloon in the center of their towel. The object is to toss the balloon from one pair of kids to another, with the opposing side catching the balloon in their towel. This can be played with a net, or simply pace off a distance between opposing teams. Kids volley back and forth till someone misses and the balloon breaks. This gives the other team a point. For small children, use a sheet or blanket instead of towels. Divide into two teams and have each child hold onto the edge of the one of the sheets. Volley until one of the teams misses.
Water Brigade - Divide players into two or more teams of about 4-5 kids. Place empty buckets for each team about 25 paces away. Each team gets their own full bucket of water at the starting line. The object of the game is to transfer water from the starting line to the finish line bucket, with whichever means is available...
Traditional - Each player gets a small cup to transfer water from the starting line to the finish line bucket.
Variation - Each player gets one of these items - spoon, cup, bowl, pie plate, Tupperware container
Sponge version- Each player gets a sponge to suck up water at the starting line and squeeze it out into the finish line bucket.
Exterminator -This is an outdoor party game, especially great for a hot day. Set off a game area and spread several beach towels on the ground in various locations. These e ants by spraying them with his bottle of insecticide. When a player is sprayed, they must lay on the ground with arms and legs in the air - like a dead bug! The other players rescue the dead ants and bring them back to life by carrying them by the arms and legs to one of the anthills. (While an ant rescue is taking place, the Exterminator cannot spray any of the rescuers.) Once placed on an anthill, the dead ants come back to life and can rejoin the game. This game can go on for quite awhile!
Water War - Arm kids with an arsenal of water weapons, such as squirt guns, squirt bottles, turkey basters, sponges, water balloons - anything that can hold and/or shoot water. Let them go wild!
Sponge Tag - A twist on traditional tag, this game is played with a big soft sponge like the kind used to wash your car. The player who is "It" must use the wet sponge to tag another player, who then becomes the new "It". There will be no doubt about who is tagged because they'll be wearing a big wet splat mark on their back!
Blindfoldered Water Balloon Catch - This is much like the Water Balloon Toss, but with the added challenge of being blindfolded. Players are split into two-person teams and told to space out, facing each other. One person is the "Thrower" and the other is the "Catcher." The "Catcher" wears the blindfold and is told by the "Thrower" that the balloon has been tossed, when it's about to land and any other information the "Thrower" can give that would be useful to the "Catcher." The team that catches the most intact balloons wins!
Balloon Balance - Blow up about 10-15 balloons and place them on the floor. Each guest has 2 minutes (use a timer) to pick up and hold as many balloons as possible. They must pick up the balloons all by themselves without help, put them in their clothes, between their legs, under their arms, between their teeth, etc. Each guest takes a turn while the others watch and laugh themselves silly! The guest who holds the most balloons when their time is up is the winner.
Balloons and Beads - Fill 20-30 balloons with two to four beads each and hide the filled balloons around the house or yard. Divide guests into groups of two and tie one set of hands and one set of feet together. Each team must find as many balloons as they can, pop them by themselves, and return with their beads. The team with the most beads at the end of the game is the winner.
Look Ma, NO HANDS! -This game is for 4 or more players and should be played outside in an open area on a warm day. First, check with an adult before you play since you'll probably get pretty wet. To play you'll need a bunch of water balloons and something to mark the end of the course. (You could use empty soda bottles.) Split into two teams. On the word "go," the first player on each team puts a water balloon under his chin, races to the end of the course and back. When he gets back to his team, he has to pass the water balloon to the next player without using his hands.If the balloon breaks, the player has to go get a new balloon and start over. If the balloon falls but doesn't break, the player has to pick it up, put it back under his chin without using his hands, and keep going. The first team to finish wins. AND of course lets not forget to have a water balloon fight some time in the middle of all that.
If you would like to download a text document with a list of these games click here